July 2024 - Environmental Initiatives Fund

This is a preview of the Environmental Initiatives Fund - Application Form 2024 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Purpose and Criteria

Fund Purpose

The purpose of the Environmental Initiatives Fund (EIF) is to support community groups undertaking projects which enhance ecological outcomes, or those that provide environmental education and/or raise community awareness of the benefits of preserving and restoring our regions unique native biodiversity.

Assessment criteria

All applications are assessed against the following criteria (not in any particular order):

Fit with Council’s regional outcomes, strategic priorities, and policies

How the project fits within the Council's Strategic Direction for 2023 - 2025. A link to the Strategic Direction can be found here

Environmental enhancement

How the project will directly promote, enhance or protect the Waikato region’s environment, with a focus on improved ecological and biodiversity outcomes.

Community participation and awareness

How the project involves iwi Māori, the wider community and increases public awareness of environmental issues. What is the level of mana whenua and community support for the project.

Collaboration and partnership

Whether the applicants have explored and developed any opportunities for collaboration and partnership with others, including any co-funding and support from other parties. 


The likelihood of the project’s success and the applicant’s capability to deliver the outcomes of the project.

Value to mana whenua

Relative to the scale of the project, how the project involves iwi Māori including their cultural values, interests and associations, the effect on Māori historic heritage or the relationship of Māori and their culture and traditions with their ancestral lands, water, sites, waahi tapu and other taonga including fauna and flora.

Before you apply

Before you start filling out this form, please read the information and guidelines on our website here to help you decide whether you are eligible to apply to the Environmental Initiatives Fund.

You must complete all required sections of the form.  Failure to provide the necessary information may impact the success of your application.

If your application is successful, you will be required to participate in a discussion with Waikato Regional Council to discuss overlapping duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.

If you have any questions about your application please contact Kate Pepper on 0800 800 401 or email eif@waikatoregion.govt.nz